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Level Up Your Video Presence

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Marketing You: Level Up Your Video Presence

We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” New stats show one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. That is the ultimate power of video, according to Social Media Coach and National Speaker Kyle Draper. 

He says truly mastering video can be done in seven steps, but even doing one of these will change the game.

Realize It’s Not About You
Coach Kyle says real estate is a self-serving industry where agents are constantly touting their sales volume, ranking, commissions, etc. He says that’s where most agents screw up video – they make it all about themselves. 

To be truly memorable, you’ve got to stop producing self-serving content. Get out in your community and create real value for your viewers.

Know the Language of Your Ideal Client
A key aspect of communication is knowing who you’re trying to communicate with and their language. You can’t attract everyone, so be intentional. Ask yourself questions like “how old is my ideal client?” “What city do they live in?” “Do they want to buy or sell a single-family home or a condo?” Then cater your content to them. Speak the right language and you’ll attract the right people. 

Do the Basics, Right: Tripod, Lighting, Headphones, Camera
Always use a tripod when shooting video and very rarely should you ever hold your phone while doing so. Most of us are animated and talk with our hands, but we lose the ability to do that when we’re holding our phone. 

When it comes to lighting, there are many options available. Use LED lights, fluorescent lighting or natural light. If you don’t have a plug-in light, then take advantage of natural light. Face the window and don’t let the window be at your back. 

Using headphones while shooting video helps with feedback and overall audio quality. If you’re doing a property walkthrough, chances are different rooms have different flooring, ceiling heights and other items that affect sound quality. Headphones create a neutrality.

Finally, don’t look at yourself on the screen – look in the camera hole. We all want to know what our face looks like and how our clothes look on camera. This disconnects people. Looking into the camera hole connects you with your viewer.

Don’t Overproduce All Your Videos
You have to assume something will go wrong when shooting videos. You want the audience to feel your authenticity. People don’t relate to perfection so stop trying to be perfect. You’ve got to give a more authentic version of yourself.

Leverage Passive Branding
What is passive branding? Coach Kyle says it’s “reminding people what you do for a living without them realizing they are being sold to.” 

For example, say you’re showing a home and the buyer asks a question that surprises you. You could finish showing the home, then jump on a Facebook Live, tell your viewers you were just showing a home and your buyer asked you this question. Pose the question and ask your viewers how they would respond. It tells them you were showing a home and gets them engaged with a call to action.

Diversify Your Content
Your friends don’t forget what you do; they forget that you exist. If all of your content is about real estate, then you’ve likely annoyed them and they’ve stopped paying attention, says Coach Kyle. 
Don’t just talk about real estate. Let people get to know you. They need to know you at a deeper level than real estate. Ask yourself what you’re passionate about. If you’re a foodie, talk about the local restaurants you enjoy. Into sports cars? Talk about that. This is where the best is separated from the rest.

Coach Kyle encourages agents to do four videos every month: Two that are FAQ driven and answer questions about real estate, one that has someone else in it, and one about your personal passion.

Don’t Be Anyone Other Than You
There are not a whole lot of original ideas left, but there are original people. Stop trying to be completely original with content. You have perspectives on things that others don’t. Your people don’t care about everybody else. Your people value you. Your people want more of you.

Coach Kyle’s parting words: “Pull back the layers and remind people you’re like them. Do it at a high level and video won’t just go well for you, but you’ll master it.”

More from the January 2021 Issue:

Getting Clients: No Open Houses? No Problem

Marketing You: Level Up Your Video Presence

Success Story: How I Became Rookie of the Year at My Firm One Year Into a Career Switch

Success Story: How I Became Rookie of the Year at My Firm One Year Into a Career Switch


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